2020 dates and times for our 2 hour video calls 


  • Rob McNeilly

    “‘ Rob McNeilly studied with Milton H. Erickson M.D. ... is one of the most knowledgeable practitioners of Ericksonian methods in Australia. His teaching is clear, entertaining and edifying.’ 
    rickson Foundation, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona.”

  • Rob McNeilly

    ““Rob McNeilly worked with Milton Erickson, has been an invited presenter at International Ericksonian Congresses, and is a passionate and skilful teacher of the Solution Oriented Approach. I know him and his work, and value his personal and professional contributions."     ”

  • Rob McNeilly

    “A highly skilled presenter whose unique perspectives and playful demeanour make for a  delightful learning experience.’ ”

  • Rob McNeilly

    “‘ .. Your clear and practical teaching of the solution oriented approach has enabled me to achieve more effective interventions with greater ease ..... the approach is applicable in many different contexts...’ ”


certificate of learning solutions in hypnosis

dates for Australia, Asia and USA