free eBooks
Here is a list of my free eBooks. You can download any or all of them by simply clicking on each link.
For PC users, some of the videos might not play within the eBook, but can still be viewed automatically in YouTube.
If you are a Mac user, you can access them by going to "Books" and search Rob McNeilly or book title.
Most of them have a video of a session, and many also have a transcript.
I am grateful to the people who generously gave permission to share their experience, to those kind people who made a translation, and I trust that you will find them useful for your learning.
Ericksonian hypnosis - clinical musings
my experiences with Milton Erickson
an easy guide to easy hypnosis
an easy guide to easy hypnosis [Spanish translation]
an easy guide to easy hypnosis [Bulgarian translation]
an easy guide to easy hypnosis [Turkish translation]
an easy guide to easy hypnosis [Czech translation]
connecting hypnosis after Erickson 1
connecting hypnosis after Erickson 2
connecting hypnosis after Erickson 3
connecting hypnosis after Erickson 4
clinical applications - after trauma
clinical applications - enjoying flying
clinical applications - pushing buttons
clinical applications - hypnorebirthing
creating excellence in therapy - 5 minutes at a time
listening for solutions in hypnosis
learning solutions in hypnosis
learning solutions in hypnosis - 5 minutes at a time
learning solutions in hypnosis - 5 minutes at a time [French]
learning solutions in counselling
utilising hypnosis with children
playing with language in Denmark 1999
experiencing hypnosis - a clinical casebook